Thursday, October 2, 2008
Lord Shiva in Murudeshwar
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Shivanasamudra waterfall
Sivanasamudram (aka Sivasamudram) is a nice waterfall near Malavalli, Mandya district. Situated in a rocky terrain with traces of vegetation, Its - 140 Kms, From Bangalore / 85 Kms from Mysore The waterfall is around 50 meters tall on River Kaveri (Cauvery) and is a beautiful sight, especially during monsoon. Shivanasamudra has India's first Hydro - Electric Power Station which was set up in 1902. River Cauvery cascades down in two pictures

Trip to Talakkad along with my family
Talakkad was an ancient capital of the Gangas. It has been ruled by Pallavas, Cholas, Hoysalas, Vijaynagar emperors and of late by the Wodeyars of Mysore.
Curse of Talakad : The feudal lord of Talakad Srirangaraya lived along with his wife Alamelamma. They used to send their ornaments every Friday to the Ranganayaki temple @ Srirangapatna, to decorate the goddess. One Friday, when she was not feeling well, she forgot to send the jewels. The King of Mysore was annoyed at not receiving the ornaments, he sent his army to fetch the valuables. Alamelamma refused to part with the jewels. She tied all the valuables to her Sari and jumped into the river Cauvery near Malingi cursing the King and the Land. “ Let Talakkadu become sandy,( desert type ) Let Malangi become a swamp, Let the rulers of the Land become Issueless “ Since then Talakkadu became a land of sand dunes and Wodeyars were cursed being childless. Talakad was fabled to be filled with more than 300 temples, one can see traces of the same, with temples scattered all over the territory. There is Mallikarjuna temple on the hillock and one can see the river cauvery in all its splendour from the peak. The vehicle can be taken almost to the peak by road. One has to climb a few steps to reach the temple. The priests in the temple are young ones. It is fun to witness the pooja and archana being performed by young budding priests. Talakkad is filled with temples, Panchlinga or 5 Lingas is fabled and sacred. In these temples too Young priests perform the pooja. There is Veerabhadra temple by the side of the Panclinga temple. It is better to hire a guide to take a tour of Talakkad. We were fortunate to hire our Guide, Madiah, who is 50 plus and is full of stories. It takes a full 2 hours to take a tour. Madiah tells the fabled story in his own style, explains the architectural importance of various temples. The ASI has recently discovered an ancient house of the Ganga period near the sand dunes, it is kept a top secret by the department, since it is not fully excavated. One gets to see the magnificent temple under reconstruction, which was buried under the sand dunes. The ASI was able to resurrect one temple, and the other temple is being meticulously being pieced together, once it is completed it may a wonderful edifice retrieved. One gets to taste cashews enroute to the temple. The cashew fruits seems intoxicating. The amount of granite stones carved out for completing the temple is mindboggling. The missing links are being assembled, with each piece being numbered and serially laid out. One has to just move it like a jigsaw puzzle to reconstruct. Talakkad may become an important tourist circuit once this temple is
completed. Cauvery river which is situated approximately 2 kms away is a beautiful spot for bathing. The water is flowing and clean, one has to watch out not to cross the boundary, where the curse of Alamellama can drown the frolickers. There are number of coracles if one wishes to take a ride in the swirling cauvery river. It can be an adventure on its own. But one is cautioned to look out for the whirlpool which can be fatal which can overturn the Coracle boats.
Talakkad can be reached from Mysore via Somnathpur or from Blore one needs to deviate at Maddur to reach Talakkad which is 35 kms away from Maddur. Talakkad is a great weekend getaway and if one plans to stay over one can look for options at Resort and Mutts or alternatively at Shivsamudra.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Listen To Your Inner Thoughts
You put the dress on and look in the mirror, you automatically think wow, I look great or shake your head and choose another outfit. This is the simplest form of listening to your inner thoughts or intuition when it comes to making the best decision.
However we can put our inner thoughts to many good uses in our day-to-day living if we open up and tune into them. Our inner thoughts can help us to succeed in life, become more confident and live a happier, more productive and fulfilling life.
You are the most valuable resource that you have in life when it comes to making the right choices and the right decisions. You automatically know if something’s right or wrong and how to achieve the best results simply by going along with your own intuition, and it very rarely lets us down.
Channeling into your intuition is easy and here are some simple ways you can start using it:
• Start off the easiest way developing your intuition by using it to make choices for less important decisions, examples could be, choosing what you want for dinner or which movie or restaurant to go to.
• You will find it easier to tune into yourself and your inner thoughts when it is quiet, so choose a room where you know you won’t be disturbed when it comes to making important choices and decisions. A good technique to use is to close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths, focus entirely on the question or task at hand and see what immediately comes to mind.
• Be willing to admit that you might make mistakes when listening to your intuition, while your intuition is usually right, you might misinterpret your inner thoughts that can lead to making a mistake. However you should learn by the mistakes you make and continue developing and strengthening your inner guidance.
• When letting your inner guidance come through don’t confuse matters by trying too hard or swaying the answer one way or another, chances are if you are leaning towards going in one direction then you already have the answer.
Following the above is the easiest way to get your inner guidance to start surfacing when you need it, the more you turn to it and use it, the easier it will become.
As the cartoon character “Jiminy cricket” sang to his friend Pinocchio “always let you conscience be your guide”, the same applies in real life, follow your heart, your inner thoughts and feelings and you will never go far wrong. It is only when we begin to lose faith and doubt ourselves that we become unstuck and indecisive and this leads us in the wrong direction or at a standstill.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Mirror your soul
I really tend to believe that people are creating their own reality. I'm sure that it's what they do when they make their dreams come true. It's not about bringing your whims to do the action, but to express yourself through your surrounding world, so it mirrors who you are, and the way you choose to be.
It's not new that different people have different beliefs. Some people think they can direct their fate, and some believe that fate directs them. Some people receive inner guidance, feeling that it was given from above, and some are sure that it's their own soul guiding them. So how do you think, is there anyone who's in control of your life, or are you the only one who claims the right to be its master?
I really tend to believe that people are creating their own reality. I'm sure that it's what they do when they make their dreams come true.
I still believe though that the Creator does the creating as well, but i just can't see God and us as being something separate. I think if God was observing us, then the only thing s/he'd see would be the reflection of oneself.
But if you're trying to see yourself being as great and loving as if you were no longer just a body and emotions, and to look at everything from the soul's point of view, or from your Higher-Self's perspective, you suddenly understand that you feel so tied up in your old and comfy perception of the world, that you can't break free from your fears and worries whispered by your ego day by day. Your whole life you were doing things by the force of habit, and now, you woke up, but it's not like you can change yourself in a wisp of light. Now it will be hard.
I, myself, as if i've never checked what's going on in my head, once just realised that all my worries are about money, health, family problems, about who might die in my family and what pages of my life could be torn away. I felt that i don't even understand who i truly am. I was just unable to realise myself, and that could make a person feel desperate, because if there's no hint of self-realisation, there is no grasp for the life itself.
You know, it's like there's just no personal freedom. Like you've lost your right to be yourself. As if you suddenly realise that most of your thoughts are limited and not of your true nature at all; as if you're thinking and speaking from your ego all the time, but don't even comprehend where your soul is hiding.
If you're trying to find the way back to your soul, and finally do something good, or start helping someone, you still don't, because all your inner strives are devoted to fight away your ego, or to stop hurting others and not be driven by the anger if somebody plays with your emotions. I think that, if any sense of wisdom is present, nobody actually wants to hurt anyone, or feel guilty afterward. And nobody wants to be what people say or think about them. How could anyone know your soul so well, and tell you everything about it?
How could anyone steal your freedom of being yourself, and how could it be good to bring up the whole show of being such a remarkable personality, about which people will gossip, if the thing that makes you mad and broken is that you don't really understand who you are, and that the things like burden of guilt, age, illness, or other pains may swipe away everything that you've ever been, and there would be nothing left; nothing remarkable.
So mostly all my struggles have been turned into a dream to be free and forget the limitations. Like when you see a plane in the sky, and your longing and desire for liberty is so strong, that you not just desperately want to be in there, but you wish to be the very moment of self-determination, the moment of choice. But dreams are dreams, and you don't gain anything but sadness if they stay unfulfilled. The weird thing is that even if they don't come true, you still can't stop yourself from hoping that they will. As if the hope is a secret knowledge that everything is going to be all right.
And if your life is similar to lives of many, you might not even realise that there is something that is keeping you from giving up, even if your entire reality is based on irritation and frustration.
You know, many people actually hate their lives, because they do not see what they want to see around, and do not feel the way they might, if only everything was different. But if the only thing you see around is the kingdom of depression, it is not about the world, and not about the life, definitely. When somebody dies, life doesn't stop.
It must be realised that if you have devoted your life to lies or pretence, if you're choosing to stay bound when you are free, this is not about the life. You might think that you hate it, or that nothing good will ever happen to you because it's just not worth happening, but it is you choosing what to feel at this moment of your life, and if it's worth of being felt at all.
You can choose to fill your day with such things like necktie colour picking, considering the size of staples you need for your work, or just spending all the time in the kitchen. But you also may choose to wake up once in the morning with strong intention to start everything anew, as if there were no regrets in your life, as if nobody ever broke you before... You are choosing your words; you're choosing your thoughts and moods. You're choosing the life through which you will express yourself, and your entire reality is your own reflection. If your reality is unsuitable, maybe what you feel and do is not suitable for your soul, and to change it you got to see the world as if it was the part of your entire being.
You know, there is a mantrum that was said to be one of the most powerful, which is probably not surprising because it puts you facing the truth about yourself. The one that many choose not to recognise. The mantrum is: "i love"
Strange, but even if you feel that you don't love anything about your life, the world, or the people around you, you instantly understand what is it exactly that you love.
The places where you've never been, the things you always dreamed to do, the feelings you so wished to experience, the people you could've love, or the children you didn't have. Even if you never had such things in your life, you still can't keep yourself from loving th em, because they're your dreams.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Un-acceptable moments
Never though second, and got arranged to get a flight ticket. We both, my self and Gowri rushed to airport. Un-fortunately the flight got delayed. While waiting for the final flight announcement at airport, we again received a call that they are preparing for the final way to his home town where he born and brought up. It was again too emotional but there is no other way as it was our custom that we need to do the cremation by before sun set. I hope that the flight will take off and can see his face once again, but it was too late when we landed at Coimbatore airport that they are waiting for our confirmation as it was round 6.00 pm and we has to agree to do so. Finally I reached at Trichur around 11.00 pm, by the time they are return back after the cremation. It was too emotional with all by then.
Friday, February 22, 2008
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Sunday, January 6, 2008
Booming SENSEX Vs Indian investors
“The rather steep rise in the Sensex sometimes surprises me, sometimes worries me. I don’t think the fundamentals change so rapidly from day to day.” Finance Minister Mr. Chidambaram said. It has been assessed that the Sensex is driven by copious flow of funds from a number of sources abroad. The changing scenario in these financial markets also will have a strong effect on the investors in the market. This will affect the mental strength of an investor who is investing in the capital market. The confidence of the investor in the market and his expectations from the market too would be affecting with these changes.
FII's are pumping more and more capital to the Indian equity market. With stocks markets breaching new milestones every few sessions, inflow of funds from FII's is unlikely to take a U-turn, global rating agency Standard and Poor's reported. "The current macroeconomic scenario is sustainable and the likelihood of reversal (of capital flows) is very low and at this point almost non-existent," S&P Chief Economist (Asia- Pacific) Subir Gokarn said.
An ordinary investor is a person who turns his day to day savings to the capital market. His perception about the capital market too need to be considered. What does he expect from a rising SENSEX? Is he expecting a rise in his investment or is he fear a correction? It is related to the field of behavioral finance. It can be considered a helpful supplement to classical financial theory, which currently dominates financial analysis and academic research. This field considers psychological factors as an important input to financial analysis and decisions, and is gaining increasing momentum in academic research and practical applications throughout the world. Behavioral finance can help to explain many reactions in financial markets that appear to be contrary to conventional theory. It can also make important contributions to help avoid serious mistakes, and it can help in the development of investment strategies.
Posted by Market Watcher at 6:08 AM 0 comments Links to this post
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Current Indian Scenario
Posted by Market Watcher at 6:08 AM 0 comments Links to this post
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